Buying Guide, Gemstones

Gemstone Pricing Guide – Factors affecting the price of gemstones

Gemstone Pricing Guide - Factors affecting the price of gemstones 1

Are you planning to buy gemstones? I hope you know which gemstone to go for! If you have not done your research, then don’t worry! This article will help you to understand various factors influencing the price of precious stones.

Nature produces various gems that entice us. Gems play an important role in the well-being of our physical and mental health. Also, we can make our life with the use of the right gems. However, gems are valuable and many varieties of stones do exist in nature. The price of the gemstones depends on their attributes. Let me take you through key factors that influence gemstone pricing.


The experts define gem color with three major attributes like hue, tone, coverage, and saturation. Let me share these major elements.

  • The colors are usually described as hues. The various hues are orange, red, yellow, blue-violet, green, and purple. However, brown, white and black are known as tones and saturations.
  • The tone is popularly known as color depth like darkness or lightness. White and black tone from lightest to darkest.
  • Saturation is hue intensity or brightness. Colors can be soft or strong.
  • Coverage- It is the color’s consistency.

Take away points:

  • The interplay between saturation, hue, and tone creates color. The coverage is evenness of color in the gemstone.
  • The subtle variations in high-value gems play an important role in gem pricing. The pure red ruby is priced higher than the slightly orange ruby. However, as a consumer, you can’t see the difference with your naked eye but this feature is important for a gemologist.
  • Color plays a less important role in value with moderately priced ones. The precious stone like Tourmaline comes in many colors. The color influences the price of all Tourmaline in the same way. Although, other factors like carat, cut, and clarity will determine value.
  • Experts evaluate the price of diamonds on their colorlessness.


The high clarity is linked with the degree of transparency. The gemstones with visible markings or cloudiness are inclusions. Moreover, stones with markings are blemishes. Blemishes and inclusions play an important role in the pricing of your gem.

Take away points:

  • These interruptions influence the visual appeal of precious stones. Hence, gems are higher in price when they are transparent and glassy.
  • Gemstones like emeralds are highly valuable with low clarity. Also, semi-precious stones are valued for unusual inclusions.
  • Fewer, low contrast, and smaller inclusions are better as they are less visible.
  • The professionals evaluate clarity on the number, size, location, and visibility of inclusions.
  • The quantity of inclusions affects the durability of the gemstone.


The main objective of the cut is to depict the inherent beauty of gems. The poorly cut stone costs less. The key factors involved in the evaluation of cut are:

  • Shape- The shape is an outline of your gems such as the oval, round, emerald, cushion, and more. The cushions and oval shapes are preferred in the case of colored ones. Emerald and round shapes are rare and cost high. Marquises and pears are preferred less, so cost less.
  • Cutting style- The mixed cut (step pavilion/brilliant crown) is considered standard for Ruby & sapphire while step (emerald) cut is standard for Emerald.
  • Proportion- The faceted cut creates maximum scintillation and brilliance. The crown and pavilion are two parts of faceted gems. The crown catches light leading to scintillation while the pavilion results in scintillation and brilliance. Low crown leads to less sparkle while shallow pavilions form windows and deep pavilions for extinction.
  • Symmetry- Finely crafted gems must be symmetrical from all directions.
  • Finish- The finish defects can be rectified by polishing. Some of the defects are poor polish, rounded facet junctions, facets not meeting at a point, and misshapen facets.

Carat weight

The gemstone size is usually measured by weight in metric carat. One carat is one-fifth of a gram.

  • The gem weight is directly proportional to the price.
  • Selecting small or larger ones is your choice. Delicate personalities select small gems while bold personalities opt for a large one. However, many people prefer to take the middle way.

Country of origin

Apart from the famous 4 Cs, there is the 5th C- Country of origin. It plays an important role as it increases the value of the gem. The stone is priced high if the origin is authenticated such as Burmese Rubies, Colombian Sapphires, Kashmir or Burmese Sapphires, and more.